Faye wins an award 28 Feb 2001 -- Now you can view all the scanns from Bazaar Magazine, all pictures compleate. It's 15 pages, click here to see them.

Today's news links:
Ming Pao News 1
Ming Pao News 2

27 Feb 2001 -- Eva at FayenaticsHome scanned 21 (!) pages from the Bazaar magazie. Don't miss this download! The scanns are over multiple pages but Faye looks absolutely adorable ... Click here to get the 2 MB zipfile.

27 Feb 2001 -- Faye appears in today's TVB I-Files. It's all about her Japan Tour. You can hear Faye speak Japanese and see a few lines of Chinese translation of Japanese Xiang Nai Er. But the interview is in Cantonese. Click here to download (3,5 MB).  Source: Fayenews

27 Feb 2001 -- Faye has finally finished her promotion tour in Japan. On the last day, she went to buy a lot of clothes for Tong Tong. Also, Katie said Faye will participate in the second series of Head & Shoulders cm. Read the whole story at Fayenews.

27 Feb 2001 -- Steve captured this bus with his camera somewhere in Shanghai.

Today's news links:
The Sun HK
Ming Pao News
Oriental Daily
Sing Tao News
Netvigator 1
Netvigator 2

24 Feb 2001 -- Steve took a photo of Faye on the cover of Bazaar Magazine. It's a nice picture :)

24 Feb 2001 -- Steve also scanned the Fable Japan poster :)

23 Feb 2001

Today's news link:
Apple Daily

22 Feb 2001

Today's news links:
The Sun HK
Oriental Daily
Apple Daily
Ming Pao News
UDN News

21 Feb 2001

Today's news links:
Oriental Daily 1
Oriental Daily 2
The Sun HK
Apple Daily
Ming Pao News
Sing Tao News
UDN News
HK Cybernews
Show8 1
Show8 2 + Translations

20 Feb 2001 -- Show8 reported that it has been confrimed that he is Faye's Japanese Dramama partner. They called him Japan "Chow Yun Fat". He has got a lot of awards before, and some are even international awards. They have been persauding him for a long long time before he agreed to be the main character. Show 8 said, after he heard Faye is the Female leading role and attracted by the story, he agreed to act the drama.  Source: Fayenews

20 Feb 2001 -- Faye is the second Chinese singer appear in one of the most popular music program in Japan - Music Fair (the first one is Teresa Tang). Music Fair only invites those singers who can really sing (like Faye). They have invited foreign singers like Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Diana Ross, Enya, etc before. Though the interview only lasts for ten minutes, Faye has done rehearsal SIX times, from noon to 6:30pm. Therefore, she has sung Eyes On Me six times! After the six rehearsals, the director apologised. He was afraid that Faye's throat would not feel well after singing EOM so many times, therefore, he said Faye no need to sing live. However, Faye was very surprised and said immediately, "No need. I can sing live. Why don't sing live?"   Source: Fayenews and Yahoo HK

Today's news links:
Show8 + Picture
tTIMES Taiwan
Yahoo China 1
Yahoo China 2
The Sun HK
Oriental Daily
Apple Daily
Showbiz Taiwan
China Daily News
Sing Tao
Ming Pao News
Ta Kung Pao News
eDaily News

19 Feb 2001 -- It's confirmed that Faye will be the leading actress of a Japan prime-time tv series by Fuji Television, showing in July on Tuesday nights 9pm. Faye is the first non-japanese female artist to accomplish this feat! She will also sing the theme song, that's also a first-ever!! Read more in tTIMES Taiwan and Show8.  Source: Steve

19 Feb 2001 -- Taka at My Favorite Faye Wong now also translated the lyrics to the Japanese version of "Chanel". You can read it here.

Today's news link:
Apple Daily

18 Feb 2001

Today's news links:
Apple Daily

16 Feb 2001 -- Taka at My Favorite Faye Wong encoded both the new songs from the Japanese version of Fable. You can download them here, Eyes On Me and Chanel in Japanese. Please note that you have to use Internet Explorer and no download manager.

16 Feb 2001 -- Faye singing "Chanel" in Japanese is out now. Click here to download (1,3 MB). Recorded by Steve

Today's news links:
Apple Daily

15 Feb 2001 -- You can now order the Japanese version of Fable from YesAsia HK or YesAsia US. Price is HK$189,50 or US$25,99. It includes "Chanel" in Japanese and "Eyes On Me" remix as bonus tracks.

Today's news links:
Sina.com 1
Sina.com 2

13 Feb 2001 -- "Eyes On Me" will be featured on Final Fantasy Best Vocal Collection CD which will come out in February in Japan.  Source: Maki's site (japanese)

13 Feb 2001 -- Here are the video clips from the RTHK Award show, recorded by Steve. ||Top 10 singers come on stage to receive award (1 MB) || Smile Forget Book won the Top 10 gold song of the year (1,5 MB) || Faye and Jacky Cheung present award to Aaron (800 kB) || Faye won China Most Popular Female Singer Gold Award (280 kB) || Smile Forget Book won China Most popular Gold Song Bronze Award (110 kB) || Faye 1 min live performance - Smile Forget Book after winning China Most Popular Female Singer (650 kB) || Faye won World Most Popular Female Singer Award (210 kB) || Faye won Media Award (270 kB) || Faye 2 min live performance - Chanel (1,3 MB) ||

13 Feb 2001 -- And also the video clips from the Channel V award show. || Smile Forget Book wins a MTV award (1,5 MB) || Faye won Century Best Female Singer Award (650 kB) || Faye live performance of Chanel (2,4 MB) ||

Today's news links:
Humor pics
Faye discusion board
HK Webmasters.com
Show8 (Off topic - "Crouching tiger hidden dragon" nominated for 10 oscars)

12 Feb 2001

Today's news links:
Sina.com 1
Sina.com 2

11 Feb 2001 -- I'm back again! Sorry for being offline recently, I had some personal matters to attend to but now the news will resume as usual. Here is a short update on what happened while I was away. Source: Fayenews if nothing is mentioned.
