Faye during interview
Submit news here or write them in The Forum.

30 Nov 2003 -- RTHK (Radio Television Hong Kong) has a vote where you can vote for the Best Song 2003. Out of 105 entries Faye is number 101. Please visit the site and vote for Faye.

Today's news links:
Apple Daily
Sing Tao

27 Nov 2003 -- Last week when Faye was cover girl in I-weekly Singapore the article was titled "All thanks to Faye"... It talked about how Faye indirectly introduced Sophie Zelmani to Singapore (and also rest of Asia) and over the last week at HMV, Sophie's sales shot to the top ten for her latest album. Now you see how influential is Faye to the Asian music industry :)

27 Nov 2003 -- FayeAsia has a lot of pictures from Faye's showcase in Taiwan some days ago. Click the link to view the pictures.

Today's news links:
Ta Kung Pao
Oriental Daily

26 Nov 2003

Today's news links:
Apple Daily 1
Apple Daily 2
Oriental Daily
The Sun HK
Ming Pao News

25 Nov 2003

Today's news links:
The Standard
Apple Daily

23 Nov 2003

Today's news links:
Zao Bao
Apple Daily
Ming Pao News

22 Nov 2003 -- According to newspaper Joyful City, actress Dong Jie has been spotted on the "2046" set. She started her acting career by playing the lead character in Yimou Zhang's "Happy Times". Her surprising appearance made several newspapers to conclude that she was brought in to replace Zhang Ziyi.   Source: Monkey Peaches

Today's news links:
Ming Pao News
Oriental Daily
The Sun HK
Apple Daily
The Standard

21 Nov 2003 -- The Christmas concerts in Hong Kong has been extended with one extra concert on Dec 19, so they will now be held from 19-27 December. If you still don't have your ticket secured, buy it now!

21 Nov 2003 -- A Fayenatics, aier aier, has translated the YES 933 interview from Nov 11, you can read it here.

Today's news links:
Strait Times (English)
I-weekly coverstory

20 Nov 2003

Today's news links:
Ming Pao News
The Standard
Radio 98.8 Malaysia
The Sun HK

19 Nov 2003

Today's news links:
TVB Taiwan
Ming Pao News 1
Ming Pao News 2
The Sun HK 1
The Sun HK 2
The Standard
Apple Daily

18 Nov 2003 -- On Sony's homepage there is some streaming videos from Faye's latest CD, click here to view them.

Today's news links:
The Straits Times (English)
Apple Daily
Oriental Daily

17 Nov 2003

Today's news links:
Sony's Faye Wong page
HMV Japan promotion page
Net Ease picture collection of Faye
Apple Daily
Ming Pao News 1
Ming Pao News 2
Ming Pao News 3
The Sun HK
Sina.com 1
Sina.com 2

14 Nov 2003 -- After the first week "It's My Style" sold a total of 1 000 000 copies!!! Also, the Christmas concerts are sold out to 60% already. To celebrate this two milestones Sony arranged a press conference in Hong Kong. You can view a good collections of photoes from the event at TungStar.com

14 Nov 2003 -- New week Faye will be in Taiwan promoting her new CD. From next Monday till Tuesday she'll have radio interviews, Wednesday till Sunday will be tv appearances. Sunday she'll have a 'new album showcase' at Taipei 101 shown live over Asia plus TV-station. The following Monday and Tuesday she'll shoot new music videos.

Today's news links:
Sony Taiwan
China Times 1
China Times 2
Apple Daily
Oriental Daily
Ming Pao News 1
Ming Pao News 2
Sina.com 1
Sina.com 2

13 Nov 2003 -- The first sales figures is starting to comming out. According to RIAS (Recording Industry Association Singapore) Faye's new cd jumped to #3 the first week. Sammi Cheng who also released a new album the same day is #5. Read the list here. In Taiwan the album on average sold 300 copies in each store in the first hour and it has reached their anticipated selling figure for a week in one day. In Hong Kong, it has sold 25,000 copies already.

Today's news link:
Hit FM Radio station

12 Nov 2003 -- A Fayenatic, Irwin Wong, put together a nice page over "It's My Style" with all lyrics, composers and song writers and some cover scans. You can visit the page here.

Today's news links:
The Sun HK

11 Nov 2003 -- Faye did an interview for Singapore radio station FM93.3, you can download and listen to it here.

Today's news link:
Ming Pao News

9 Nov 2003 -- I've listen to "It's My Style" a couple of times now and I'm so happy with it. It's very homogeneous and solid. The songs are soft and compelling, it's sounds different but still so Faye. I recommend everybody to get a copy of the cd and when you listen to it, turn out the light. That's when you hear Faye's voice the best.

Today's news links:
Sing Pao News
Applw Daily
Wen Wei Po

8 Nov 2003 -- Thanks to CKE we have a translation of the interview Faye gave to RTHK the other day. click here to read the translation.

8 Nov 2003 -- The ticket sales to the concerts in Hong Kong on December 20-27 will start next on November 13.

Today's news links:
China Times
Liberty Times

7 Nov 2003 -- Today is the BIG day for Faye's new album. The name of it will be "It's My Style" and it will have the 13 songs reported earlier. You can order your own copy with the VCD from Yesasia here. There is also an article in Sony Taiwan's website and another one in Sony Hong Kong's website.

7 Nov 2003 -- Can't wait to get "It's My Style"? TAKA over at Fayevolution 21 har posted the links to 3 of the songs from the cd, right-clicks the links to get the mp3s.

Sunshine Dearest

7 Nov 2003 -- Faye gave an interview to RTHK (Radio Television Hong Kong) yesterday which you can listen to online, clicking this link. The interview starts after about 3 minutes of the track.

7 Nov 2003 -- At the "2046" press conference a few days ago Wong Kar-Wai said that "2046" is the continuation of "In The Mood For Love". The idea of the film started in the same time frame as "In The Mood For Love", or even a month in ahead, and it's a sci-fi story. The main idea is 'nothing will last forever, not even commitment'. Some commitments will change along with time. The story of the film is told as two parts, one is about the past and the other one is about the future.   Source: Monkey Peaches

Today's news links:
Ming Pao News
Ta Kung Pao
Sing Pao News

6 Nov 2003

Today's news link:
Oriental Daily

5 Nov 2003 -- You can now preview parts of the official websute fayewong.com. They have not put these links up yet, but the files are up!!!

Video Page (Click here to download the welcome video)
Chinese Registration Page
English Registration Page
(registration has *NOT* yet begun)
Main page background
General Background
Video Page Background

  Source: Fayevolution 21

4 Nov 2003 -- Japanese Fayenatics you can pre-order "To Love" at HMV Japan website for ¥2,069. They also have the first picture of the cover at the site.

Today's news links:
Ming Pao News 1
Ming Pao News 2
Ta Kung Pao
Sing Pao News

3 Nov 2003 -- There was a press conference a couple of days ago around "2046" with Faye, Kimura Takuya, Wong Kar-Wai andother people from the movie. Below are 3 links to Sina.com with pictures takes from this event and 3 links from the set.

Picture collection 1
Picture collection 2
Picture collection 3
Set picture 1
Set picture 2
Set picture 3

2 Nov 2003 -- You can now download the MTV for To Love from FayeAsia. Click here (2,4 MB) to download the song but be aware that many people is trying to get it so it might be slow or hard to connect. Another way to get it is via Yahoo Groups but you need a Yahoo ID for that first.

2 Nov 2003 -- Yet another song is out, again kudos to FayeAsia. It's "Wrong Beauty" and you can get it here.

1 Nov 2003 -- A dj on Singapore radio station ufm1003, Danny Yeo, who is also a huge Fayenatic already received the album and said the English title is 'It's My Style' and not 'To Love', 'Love War' or 'Future Love'. He even complimented that the album is very nice.

Today's news link:
Wen Wei Po
