Music Is Live 26th Dec 1999 -- I'm going on vacation today for the next 2 week so there will be no updated during this time. I want to say THANK YOU to everybody who visited my pages, please come back soon again. I wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

24th Dec 1999 -- Faye's new CD can be preordered from Asia-CD now.
US$ 12.99

LIST PRICE : US$ 17.99

Limit ONE per Customer!


22nd Dec 1999 -- For some reason Faye took a picture of herself and showed it to the press a couple of days ago. Don't know why she did this, just got it from Megan. But it's cute none the less. View the pic here  Source: Hypnotized - A Faye Site

21st Dec 1999 -- Taiwan ELLE Magazine (October 99 Issue) VCD - ELLE VS. FAYE - Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3   Source: c

20th Dec 1999 -- "Moon at That Moment" (·í®Éªº¤ë«G) is still on place No. 3 on this weeks Aiyiya Top20. Please visit Aiyiya Top20 and vote for Faye's song!

18th/20th Dec 1999 -- Overturn ±À½ and Postman ¶l®t MTV's made available by Singapore Fayenatics Home. Didar has something to say about the Postman MTV. If you have trouble downloading the files, right-click the link and select "Save Link As..." or "Save Target As..."

17th Dec 1999 -- Overturn ±À½ Karaoke version made by Odun (sorry for the late update, christmas ... :)

14th Dec 1999 -- In the latest issue of 8-days, no 479, in Singapore, they made a list of the 100 icons of the millennium. They breaks into many categories and Faye is in the "Ah music, the food of love" categotry!

Yes, Faye is among the 10 listed singers out of the 100 icons! They wrote "Call her what you want, but the headline-making ice queen has a style of her own. More importantly, as she cooed, crooned and yodelled, she expanded the borders of Chinese pop." Teresa Teng is also included. They wrote "We'll fondly remember Teng - her tragic life-story, her ability to sing in Japanese and Hokkein, but most of all, for her lilting vocals and those sad ballads."

The 10 listed singers are : The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Faye Wong, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Teresa Teng, P Ramiee, Dance Steps, The Four Heavenly Kings & Boy-Bands.  Reported by Liyan

13th Dec 1999 -- Aiyiya Top20 took a break last week due to server problems, but this week they're back with "Moon at That Moment" (·í®Éªº¤ë«G) on place No. 3, up another 3 places. This is the seventh week on the list for "Moon at That Moment" Please visit Aiyiya Top20 and vote for Faye's song!

12th Dec 1999 -- Vote for Faye for the "Metro Hits Awards". Instructions here!

9th Dec 1999 -- ¶Ê¯v Hypnotize MTV for Download from  Source: Singapore Fayenatics Home

9th Dec 1999 -- According to Asia E!Online, Faye won't sue radio station y.e.s 93.3 FM after all for playing her song "Exciting". Read the story here.

9th Dec 1999 -- Two pics from Faye's Pepsi commersials. Pic 1 || Pic 2

6th Dec 1999 -- ¶}¨ì²þ÷ó Last Blossom MTV.  Download Site 1 || Download Site 2  Source: Singapore Fayenatics Home

4th Dec 1999 -- MTV Fresh and Channel V VIP @ Faye Live in HK! Check it out!  Source: Singapore Fayenatics Home

4th Dec 1999 -- Steve has uploaded 25 pics from Music Live 99, and they are great! A must, download!  Source: Singapore Fayenatics Home

4th Dec 1999 -- Top 10 Best selling album in HK this year only have 3 positions for female singers. But only 2 female singers on chart ... Faye got 2 albums for best selling.

Reported by Didar

2nd Dec 1999 -- Faye wins important award in Japan! She has done it again :) Faye has won the "Asian Music Award" (which is presented to excellent singers outside japan) in the well-renowned "41st Japan Record Award". Since this ceremony is organized by the Japan Composers's Association, it proves Faye's music is highly appreciated by japanese professionals! The award show will be held on 31st Dec. You can read more (in chinese only) in The Sun - HongKong, Apple Daily (US mirror) and Oriental Daily.

One more thing, Faye is only the fourth chinese singer ever to win this award. The previous one is Teresa Teng, Faye's idol! Surely it's a great accomplishment to be happy about. Read more HERE. Reported by Steve.
