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21 Dec 2001 -- I have added the the latest albums from Faye to my discography for those of you who are interested. The review of "Faye Wong" will be up early next year.

21 Dec 2001 -- I'm going on winter vacation tomorrow for two weeks so no news updates for a while. I'll be back on January 7, 2002. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everybody.

Today's news link:
Apple Daily

20 Dec 2001

Today's news links:
Star East Net 今日 : 成報 - 娛樂 :
HK Daily News 今日 : 新報 - 娛樂 :
Yahoo China 1
Yahoo China 2
Apple Daily

18 Dec 2001

Today's news link:
Oriental Daily

16 Dec 2001 -- The release date for the new movie will be Feb 9 in HK, see Lycos link below.

16 Dec 2001 -- Faye is on the cover of I-shop for December, go to the magazine section if you like to view the scans.

Today's news links:
Hits Awards 2001
The Year Award of Hong Kong Pop Music
Ming Pao News
UDN News
The Sun HK
Lycos China

15 Dec 2001

Today's news links:
Strait Times
The Sun HK 今日 : 太陽報 - 娛樂 :
Sing Tao News 今日 : 星島日報 - 娛樂 :
Star East Net 今日 : 成報 - 娛樂 :
HK Daily News 今日 : 新報 - 娛樂 :
CultureCom News 今日 : 文傳電子報 - 娛樂 :
Apple Daily News 今日 : 蘋果日報 - 娛樂 :

14 Dec 2001 -- Faye has won three awards at TVB yesterday; Most popular singer, Best Song and Best Song - Golden award for Book of Exhilaration. Congratulations to Faye.

13 Dec 2001 -- Here is a real christmas present. Faye will release a "Best of" album from Toshiba-EMI next year on February 8, according to Japanese news I received from TAKA. The CD will contain the theme song from her movie "There is nothing better than this, whatever it is ...", some previously unplublished songs and some old once. It can already now be pre-ordered from HMW Japan if you live in Japan.

13 Dec 2001 -- Over at CCTV you can vote for Faye for some award but I don't know which one ... go to CCTV to vote.

Today's news links:
Ming Pao News

12 Dec 2001 -- Over at YesAsia you can get Usokoi now on 8 VCDs. The price is US$ 24.99 (HK$ 193.70). Click here to go to the Usokoi page.

Today's news links:
Ming Pao News
Apple Daily

11 Dec 2001 -- Thanks to TAKA for the Christmas pic of Faye.

Today's news links:
TVB 1 (streaming video)
TVB 2 (streaming video)
The Sun HK
Yahoo China 1
Yahoo China 2
Yahoo China 3

9 Dec 2001

Today's news links:
The Sun HK 1 今日 : 太陽報 - 娛樂 :
The Sun HK 2 今日 : "2046" - 娛樂 :
Oriental Daily 今日 : 東方日報 - 娛樂 :
Ming Pao News 今日 : 明報 - 娛樂 :
Star East Net 今日 : 成報 - 娛樂 :
Apple Daily 今日 : 蘋果日報 - 娛樂 :
Wen Wei Po 1 今日 : 文匯報 - 娛樂 :
Wen Wei Po 2
Wen Wei Po 3

7 Dec 2001 -- It's voting time again. Please visit Hits Awards 2001 and RTHK Gold Songs 2001 Awards and cast your vote.

7 Dec 2001 -- Apple Daily published some pics from Faye's upcomming movie, you can view them here.

Today's news links: 1 2 3
Ming Pao News
Apple Daily

6 Dec 2001

Today's news links:
Newpaper scan (about new movie)
Ming Pao News

5 Dec 2001 -- You can listen to last Sunday's Happy Hour on RTHK here (Real audio).

Today's news links:
The Sun HK
Guangzhou Net
Yahoo China
Lycos News

2 Dec 2001 -- Faye's new movie (see below) includes Tony Leung, Faye Wong, Ekin Cheng and Zhao Wei. It will be a comedy set in ancient times. In this movie, Ekin Cheng and Faye Wong act as emperor and emperor's sister respectively. They escape out of the palace, and eventually meet Tony Leung and Zhao Wei, who are brother and sister who open up a shop. The joke begins as Zhao Wei takes a liking to Faye Wong, who has been disguising herself as a man all along. In this show, the four actors also sing together to produce a theme song. It is promised that this movie would not only be funny, it will also improve the atmosphere of the New Year. Right now, both Ekin and Faye are ready to start filming, but Tony and Zhao Wei are still filming [Hero] and [Heroes of Heaven and Earth] respectively.

Today's news links:
The Sun HK
XP Weekly
Yahoo Taiwan
Wen Wei Po
Apple Daily
